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Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology Gastroenterology & Hepatology

NASH Clinical Research Network (NASH CRN)

Please refer to the following links to learn more about the NASH-CRN studies.

  • Database 2

The NASH Clinical Research Network (NASH CRN) is a cooperative network of eight clinical centers and one Data Coordinating Center (DCC). Clinical centers are responsible for proposing study protocols, participating in their overall development, recruiting patients, conducting research, and disseminating research findings. The individual clinical centers participate in a cooperative and interactive manner with one another and with the DCC in all aspects of the NASH CRN. The DCC supports study protocol development; provides sample size calculations and statistical expertise; supports forms development, data analysis, and manuscript preparation; and provides overall study coordination and quality assurance, including preparation of reports and coordination of the activities of the Data and Safety Monitoring Board, the Steering Committee, and other standing NASH CRN subcommittees. The DCC also maintains the Histology Repository including stained and unstained liver biopsy slides and collaborates with the NIDDK Biosample (plasma, serum, and liver tissue) and Genetics (DNA) Repositories.

The Steering Committee is the main governing body of the NASH CRN and is composed of the principal investigators of each adult clinical center and each associated pediatric clinical center in the Network, the principal investigator of the DCC, and the NIDDK Project Scientist. The Steering Committee's responsibilities include the general organization of the NASH CRN, finalizing common clinical protocols, and facilitating the development of standardized nomenclature, diagnostic criteria, histological definitions, and the necessary components to the common database on patients. The Steering Committee is responsible for the conduct and monitoring of the NASH CRN studies and reporting study results.

Clinical Centers

  • University of California, San Diego
  • Case Western Reserve
  • Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
  • Cleveland Clinic Foundation
  • Columbia University
  • Indiana University
  • Duke University Medical Center
  • John Hopkins University
  • Northwestern University
  • Texas Children's Hospital
  • St Louis University
  • University of California, San Francisco
  • University of Washington
  • Virginia Mason Medical Center
  • Virginia Commonwealth

Data Coordinating Center

  • John Hopkins University

Note: We are currently enrolling patients for this study.