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Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Clinical Trial Design NAFLD/NASH and Metabolic Syndrome

Dr. Loomba specializes in NASH study design and protocol development. We can help initiate all types of clinical trials in NASH; ranging from proof of concept studies to large phase IIb or III randomized controlled trials. Our approach is to keep the patient safety foremost, and develop a sound protocol to test the stated hypothesis with the most innovative technologies and robust end points. Most studies we conduct or initiate are completed before time. Clients include large pharmaceutical companies, biotech companies, independent research groups, or companies working on diagnostics of NAFLD and/or fibrosis.

We also have expertise in prediction modeling as well as diagnostic test evaluation. Mechanistic studies can also be developed along with clinical trials with the help of our collaborators both within and outside UCSD.

We extensively collaborate with Drs. Brenner, Hofmann, Eckmann, Feldstein, Schnabl, Seki, Sirlin, Barrett-Connor, O’Connor and Olefsky labs at UC San Diego, and Nelson lab at the Craig Ventor Institute. This makes our UCSD NASH/NAFLD research program one of the best research program in the world given the diverse expertise of our research group including patient-centered studies, epidemiologic research, genomic research, in-vitro studies, animal models of NASH as well as microbiome research.

Listed below are clinical trials published by our group:

Listed below are clinical trials currently enrolling patients: